Confidential and flexible signature solutions that adapt to your needs

With eSignR, we offer you versatile solutions that can be flexibly integrated into your workflows or software. Whether you opt for standard software, an on-premises solution or a connection via API – with eSignR, the confidentiality of your data always comes first. You can rest assured that PDFs will never leave your own device or system environment during the signature process with eSignR.

Our solutions for…

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Sign confidential documents electronically today

It’s possible with eSignR! Install our local standard software and use it exclusively for qualified electronic signatures. Fast, inexpensive and simple – ideal for familiarising yourself with eSignR.

More data control and flexibility in hosting through on-premises operation

Would you like to be free to choose where your signature solution is hosted? eSignR offers you the perfect on-premises solution with flexible hosting options – whether with us in accordance with ISO 27001 guidelines, at your premises or with a hosting provider of your choice.

On-Premises elektronische Signatur
API elektronische Signatur

Seamless connection to existing systems such as CRM and ERP tools via API

Whether you use Salesforce, SAP, Oracle or Microsoft Dynamics 365, for example, the eSignR REST-API interface enables your internal IT team to seamlessly integrate eSignR into your existing software. In most cases, an eSignR on-premises solution is suitable, our experts will be happy to advise you.

Invisible integration of the digital signature into your software via CLI

Suitable for desktop applications that offer appropriate integration options. With our command line interface (CLI) eSignR is started in the background so that you can sign PDFs electronically in your familiar environment in ‘headless mode’.

Linux Integration of digital signatures

Efficiently sign large quantities of documents in batch mode with a qualified signature

Our headless batch mode allows you to sign a large number of documents in a single pass without using a user interface. This is ideal for organisations with high signature volumes that want to maximise efficiency and save time.

Test eSignR now for 30 days
free of charge!

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free of charge for one month.